Rocket Team

NASA Student Launch Initiative

The Rocket Team is returning to the NASA Student Launch for the 2024-2025 Launch Season. They design, build, and fly a new rocket yearly, and work with local schools to expand access to aerospace engineering in Evanston.

Space Technology Team

NASA BIG Idea Challenge

Last year, Space Tech presented their Autonomous Casting RovEr (ACRE) at the Glenn Research Center and won the Sytems Engineering Award. This year’s 2024 METALS project is on the home stretch for the NASA Big Idea forum in November 2024.

Student Leadership

  • Andy Wehmeyer '25


  • Tara Saxena '25


  • Julian Rocher '24

    Space Tech Team Lead

  • Ben Taalman '24

    Space Tech Team Lead

  • Trevor Abbott '26

    Space Tech Team Lead

  • Max Hughes

    Rocketry Chief Engineer

  • Preston Shin

    Rocketry Project Manager

Chair Positions

  • Joshua Hershey '26

    Public Relations

  • Elliot Opel '25


  • Pavi Venkat Sridhar '27

    Alumni Outreach

  • Omar Kamil '27

    Corporate Outreach

  • Spencer Guy, '25

    Corporate Outreach

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