Live from Glenn!

Rewatch the team’s final presentation at Glenn on the live stream below.

ACRE logo

2023 NASA BIG Idea Challenge: Lunar Forge

The Space Technology Team’s Autonomous Casting RovEr (ACRE) harnesses sunlight to melt ISRU-derived materials for the construction of landing pads, roads, and other rigid structures.

Once liquified, the molten material is poured into cavities and patterns on the exposed lunar surface that are formed by the rover's plow as it drives. The crucible is then refilled and the process repeats with complete autonomy, taking advantage of the near-constant sunlight at elevated regions of the lunar south pole for continual production.

In March 2023, Northwestern’s proposal was one of seven selected nationwide to receive funding and continue development!

The $170K grant will fund the construction and testing of the design in advance of a November 2023 forum, where the team’s work will be showcased to the public and judged by a panel of NASA and industry experts. 

Team Leadership

  • Julian Rocher

    Captain + Crucible Lead

  • Ben Taalman

    Captain + Materials Lead

  • Jaime Berkovich

    Team Lead + Solar Lead

  • Trevor Abbott

    Testing and Validation Lead

  • Luke Fahrney

    Crucible Lead

  • Matthew Queen

    Solar Lead